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April General Body Meeting: From Wall Street to Your Street

  • April 19, 2022
  • 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Zoom (Link will be emailed the day of the event)


Registration is closed

HAULYP Professional Development Committee Presents

“From Wall Street to YOUR Street”

Join us on April 19th, 2022 at 6:30pm CST and learn The 5 Key Components of Financial Literacy. We will be covering amazing topics like how to be a pro at earning, spending, saving & investing, borrowing, and how to protect your money.

So many people are frustrated with financial decisions. Many are concerned about money. Our goal is to provide a fundamental understanding about money so individuals know how to use it wisely, eliminate debt, and build wealth by saving for the future. Our EVENT is open to anyone that is interested in becoming financially literate and want to move from financial insecurity to financial success, freedom and independence. 

Please sign up if you want BEST PRACTICES in money management and long term planning. This General Body Meeting will provide an opportunity to ask questions in an environment that will encourage the exchange and sharing of information.

A zoom link will be mailed out the afternoon before the event.